100 WC T4 W1

100 word challenge
Prompt: it was heavier than I expected…

I was just relaxing at home, reading a book when my mum came in and told me that my friend thought we should have a sleepover at their house, and said that the time was in two days, so I told her to say ‘yes’ so she texted my friends parents, telling them that we had agreed, and then I went back to my book.

The days passed slowly as I waited for the time to leave for their house, but finally we left for their house, the only thing was, it was raining, and it was heavier than I expected.

2 thoughts on “100 WC T4 W1”

  1. Sup i like how you wrote the prompt for what it was and that there was a problem and he problem had the words it was heavier than I expected that made it good

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